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Monitoring of Objects with IoT Incline Sensors

In a world where precision and sustainability are keywords, SkyLab introduces the future of object monitoring. With advanced incline sensors and online dashboards, SkyLab sets a new standard in the industry. These incline sensors, also known as clinometers or tilt sensors, are indispensable for measuring slope angles with unparalleled accuracy, utilizing gravity. They are essential for monitoring objects such as retaining walls, quay walls, foundation piles, mooring piles, railways, tunnels, and buildings, closely tracking any inclination or movement.

Nauwkeurig en real-time meten van kantelingen met IoT Inclino-, Bewegings- en Tilt-sensoren

The proven technology behind the incline, motion, and tilt sensors takes on a new dimension through integration with the Internet of Things (IoT), marking a revolutionary step forward in the accessibility and usability of these solutions.

SkyLab connect monopile hellingmeters met SkyNet IoT netwerk at Sea

Where previously energy-inefficient, costly equipment was required, SkyLab B.V. now offers compact, wireless IP67 sensor solutions. These solutions operate for years on a single battery charge, monitoring objects in real-time with high precision (0.01°) and registering any changes in tilt angles across multiple axes (X, Y, Z).

Monitoren beweging overgang grondlichaam naar een brug, sluis of viaduct

The collected data is accessible in real-time and retains a historical overview through an online web portal. Users can compare data, generate graphs of individual and combined sensor data, and set threshold values for immediate notifications when angle values exceed limits. This enables effective monitoring of important and critical objects such as railways, tunnels, mooring piles, bridges, and quay walls, susceptible to climate changes.

Het meten van het ver-kantelen van en verzakkingen veroorzaakt door klimaatverandering of dassenburchten.

SkyLab B.V. not only delivers advanced IoT solutions but also provides full support for installation, implementation, and offers international connectivity through the SkyNet IoT network, including customer web portals and/or POST DATA notifications.

SkyLab biedt een uitgebreid assortiment aan oplossingen voor de levering en visualisatie van gegevens afkomstig van IoT-sensoren.

Discover how SkyLab can transform your objects or projects with real-time, accurate monitoring. Whether it's monitoring infrastructure integrity or ensuring the safety of construction projects and renovations, SkyLab is ready to serve you with leading IoT solutions.

About SkyLab B.V.: With our extensive expertise in providing robust IoT solutions, SkyLab B.V. positions itself at the forefront of technological innovation. Our dedication lies in improving monitoring and safety across various industries. SkyLab stands out as one of the few providers offering a complete solution for IoT applications, including installation, data delivery with maximum international connectivity through the SkyNet IoT network.

For more information, we invite you to visit our websites and or to contact us directly.


SkyLab B.V. Europe

Zwarte Zee 20

3144 DE  Maassluis

The Netherlands

+31 10 760 03 96

SkyLab B.V.

3690 Airport Road

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Florida USA

+1 561 376 8989

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